Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Creatively Challenged

When asked to describe me, I am absolutely sure that the last word to come to a person's mind would be "creative".  Friendly, hard-working, loyal, maybe, but creative?  Not so much.  Well, as luck would have it, I have a business function in Wisconsin this weekend at the beautiful Lake Lawn Resort, and I am part of the decorating committee.  HA!  Love that one.  They obviously went with our strengths when they chose the committees!  And, not only was I chosen to be on the decorating committee, I was also chosen to be the one to make the main decoration for the podium - a GIANT pink and black light switch - on a $20 budget!  I started with these supplies:
Pink Foam Board, Dowel Rod, Black Acrylic Paint, Styrofoam block, and Silver Glitter Glue (one boy hand not part of project)

And, drum roll please, the finished product:


I am actually pretty pleased with myself, but now I am wondering... Did I just secure my position on the Decorating Committee for next year?  YIKES!

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!
    This happens to the best of us. ;-)
    One day I said: 'Well, sure. I can help out from time to time with art club at the kids school"~ and NOW I teach 30 kids twice a week and have to deal with logistics for 4 field trips!
    Do NOT E-V-E-R say 'Well, sure. I can...' unless you really want to!
